Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Dear Congressman Roskam,

It must be tough to support a made up, unnecessary, immoral and criminal military venture.

Spending ten billion dollars in September to continue our failed war in Iraq, further degrading our overstretched military, adding to the catastrophic toll or dead, injured and displaced Iraqis, and serving as a terrorist recruiting officer’s dream, sure requires imagination to spin positively. September was the month you trotted out General David Patreaus, who has been waxing positive since 2004 about progress being made to train Iraqis to end the civil war we ignited and let us leave. If we had a dollar for every time the General or his Commander In Chief, or you uttered the word “progress” in this fifty-six month long nightmare we could retire the national debt.

The General’s testimony was a sham, designed to freeze cautious politicians from doing the right thing of de-funding this crime without end. You might as well videotape him talking about progress and replay it once a year to buy more war funds. It would save the expense of flying him to Washington for these shameful fairy tales of progress.

Your other moment of glory in September was diverting attention from this immoral enterprise by focusing on the Moveon.Org ad which exposed the facts and truth of Petreaus’ three year programmed role as star water carrier for the administration’s self serving war fantasies.

Apparently, it takes more courage and honesty then you have been willing to demonstrate to speak truth about the Iraq war and join the 75% of Americans who want it ended. But as long as you remain 6th District Congressman, we will appeal to your better nature and work to convince you to do the right thing. Fifteen months as a proponent for sane, peaceful military and foreign policy can still build a great first term legacy. Think about it.

But spending ten billion dollars in September which only succeeded in getting sixty-two more Americans killed and hundreds injured won’t.

Respectfully yours,

Walt Zlotow

Originally published in Glen Ellyn News, October 24, 2007