Breuder saga at College of DuPage mandates presidential contract controls‏
The extensions given to current COD president Robert Breuder which pushed his lavish contact out to June 30, 2019, are a disgrace. They set the stage for the costly and long running soap opera that will plague the COD community for another 13 months and beyond, depending on possible new revelations of his seemingly bottomless mis-management. He appears to lack any sense of civic duty to do the right thing and leave today with the near fortune in goodies already lavished on him by an irresponsible Board.
The next president should be hired for a two year term that cannot be renewed or extended till the final 3 months and only after strong input to the Board from the faculty, the students and the community. And don't worry about scaring off good potential candidates. There must be oodles of great educators who would vie for the opportunity to restore COD to an educational institution which truly values its students, faculty, and mission to educate, rather than serve as its president's Hearst Castle.