Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's 16 seconds of silence in her opening debate statement Tuesday was deafening in its trumpeting her utter incompetency to seek her first election as Governor, given her vacancy appointment last year. Brewer finally recovered and offered that she's done a lot as Governor and deserves election in her own right.
Mainly, she has seized upon the illegal immigration issue and has soared in popularity through her championing of SB 1070, which has spurred an economic boycott of already financially broken Arizona, over the potential racial profiling this law may instigate.
Brewer tripped over another character land mine in the debate by refusing to retract her ludicrous charges that illegals are responsible for headless bodies of law abiding and legal Arizonians popping up in the desert like so many cacti. Afterwards, she made a third mistake by taking questions from reporters who wouldn't let the rumored headless bodies story die, so to speak, forcing Brewer to run for the exit.
It's clear to all but Brewer and her xenophobic followers that there were no headless bodies in the desert except in the furtive imagination of the story's proponents.
It's also clear that while the person residing in the Governor's mansion is not headless, she sure is brainless.
Mainly, she has seized upon the illegal immigration issue and has soared in popularity through her championing of SB 1070, which has spurred an economic boycott of already financially broken Arizona, over the potential racial profiling this law may instigate.
Brewer tripped over another character land mine in the debate by refusing to retract her ludicrous charges that illegals are responsible for headless bodies of law abiding and legal Arizonians popping up in the desert like so many cacti. Afterwards, she made a third mistake by taking questions from reporters who wouldn't let the rumored headless bodies story die, so to speak, forcing Brewer to run for the exit.
It's clear to all but Brewer and her xenophobic followers that there were no headless bodies in the desert except in the furtive imagination of the story's proponents.
It's also clear that while the person residing in the Governor's mansion is not headless, she sure is brainless.