Saturday, January 21, 2023

Vote disqualifier

DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick announced he considered Illinoi's new assault weapon ban unconstitutional and he wouldn't enforce it.
That triggered another reason why I didn't vote for him in either Sheriff election. I never vote to elect a fox to guard the henhouse.

That was then...this is now

 1928 Republican Party pledge to America

"A chicken in every pot"

2023 Republican Party pledge to America

"A fascist on every committee"

Kinsinger very good on Trump sedition…very bad on perpetual war

Former Illinois congressman and newly minted CNN political analyst Adam Kinsinger is a political conundrum.
He rocketed to national fame as the face, along with Liz Cheney, of the tiny remaining soul of the Republican Party that supported impeachment of the traitor Trump. He also led the bipartisan effort that recommended Trump’s criminal indictment for sedition and related crimes from his failed January 6, 2021 coup.
Straight out of central casting with his boyish charm and articulate earnestness, Kinsinger was a natural for a six figure gig as senior political analyst for CNN after the Republican Party banished him for his defense of American democracy.
But beneath that boy scout image, Kinsinger is an unrepentant promoter of US world dominance and perpetual war. He left his job as McClain County IL Board member to fight in Iraq as an Air Force combat commander. That criminal war, killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis along with 4,400 of his fellow warriors, made no dent on Kinsinger’s conscience.
He slavishly promotes reckless US wars, warlike provocations and regime change operations in Syria, Yemen, Libya, China, Iran, North Korea, China, Venezuela, among others. So many countries…so many warlike opportunities. He raged against our pullout from Afghanistan; even calling for re-invasion.
But it was his call for a No Fly Zone against Russia early in the Russo Ukraine war that was reckless beyond comprehension. If implemented it would have pushed the 2 largest nuclear states to near certain nuclear war. Fortunately, the president, Congress and the media told Kinsinger to just fly away from that unconscionable proposal.
I applauded Kinsinger’s lonely and courageous opposition to his party’s descent into treason and autocracy. Alas, he’s now got one of highest media soapboxes available to push US unipolar dominance round the world…and push the US towards nuclear Armageddon.