The government spent millions of dollars and took their best shot but utterly failed to convict former Illinois Governor Blagojevich of corruption, getting instead a rather silly conviction of lying to the FBI five years ago about whether he personally managed his political fundraising. The jurors indicated that the evidentiary tapes contained a lot of political hot air but there was no smoke and no gun, much less a smoking gun demonstrating guilt.
Instead of wasting more millions on what is now a frivolous case, how about trying another former officeholder, George W. Bush, for initiating his criminal war against Iraq which killed upward of a million innocents, and made casualties or refugees of several million more. Roll the tapes of Bush blatantly lying America into war and the the tapes showing not only thousands of American smoking guns but smoking smart bombs and smoking corpses of the uncountable innocents, and you've got the opposite of the Blagojevich fiasco.
Jury deliberation won't take 14 days to convict; 14 hours should do just fine, if not 14 minutes.
Instead of wasting more millions on what is now a frivolous case, how about trying another former officeholder, George W. Bush, for initiating his criminal war against Iraq which killed upward of a million innocents, and made casualties or refugees of several million more. Roll the tapes of Bush blatantly lying America into war and the the tapes showing not only thousands of American smoking guns but smoking smart bombs and smoking corpses of the uncountable innocents, and you've got the opposite of the Blagojevich fiasco.
Jury deliberation won't take 14 days to convict; 14 hours should do just fine, if not 14 minutes.