Ryan blaming 21st century, not Trump for nation's divide, ludicrous
You got to give retiring House Speaker credit for chutzpah. He came to impoverished Pilsen yesterday to tout his deficit busting, tax giveaway to the rich, as the cure for the area's poverty. Forget all the New Deal and War On Poverty programs that prevented economic collapse in the 30's and provided a decent social safety net in the 60's, Ryan claimed; just watch as our wealthy man's tax incentives inspire those fat cats use that extra loot to invest in your community. What utter nonsense.
But Ryan's poverty delusions pail to his delusions about the grotesque Divider In Chief whom Ryan's silence and support helped reach the White House. Ryan claimed our current polarization is "not necessarily due to one particular person or personality...but to the 21st Century, in that with digital and the internet, it has weaponized polarization.” Ryan omits that no political polarization emanated from the White house between 2009 and 2016. Blaming Trump's degradation of American political discourse on the 21st century since then is as ludicrous as blaming WWII on the technology of the 20th century, not the guy with the funny mustache.
Paul Ryan has done immense damage to America with his Ayn Rand inspired economic and social philosophy. He compound that philosophy by enabling an utterly unfit demagogue to achieve the presidency to enact Ryan's cruel economic and social agenda. Ryan cannot leave Congress soon enough.