Guns, like firecrackers, are meant to be fired
The catastrophic gun violence plaguing our urban wastelands should surprise nobody.
A society allowing many millions of guns to reach the young, poverty stricken masses is practically demanding that they turn their neighborhoods into shooting galleries.
Giving guns to the vulnerable young is no different than giving them firecrackers. They’re only fun when they shoot them off.
The diabolic intersection of gluttonous capitalism and institutional racism is responsible for America’s killing zones. The gun/ammo makers gleefully exploit the cultist reverence for the 2nd Amendment to ward off virtually any regulation whatsoever. The guntoters outside of those killing zones are either oblivious to the daily street slaughter there or even cheering it on as a means of culling out minority population.
In addition, our society does virtually nothing to alleviate the joblessness, despair and rootlessness which, combined with unlimited gun availability, guarantees unending bloodshed.
All other solutions are simply happy talk. Until we reduce the avalanche of guns and lift our urban pockets of despair into the mainstream economy, nothing will change.