Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kamala Harris’ foreign policy agenda music to war party, anathema to swing state voters.


Kamala Harris’ foreign policy agenda music to war party, anathema to swing state voters.

It’s standard procedure for presidential candidates to promote bellicose US foreign policy in their campaigns. When the weapons makers, career generals, Congressional Hawks and pro war pundits pounce on candidates promoting peace over war, the warning is clear: don’t mess with US unipolar dominance.

But Kamala Harris has taken that to another level with her positions that are furthering the Israeli genocide in Gaza, destruction of Ukraine, looming war with Iran, and endless war provocations in the Far East with China.

She calls the $17.9 billion in US weapons obliterating Palestinian moms and kids “defense” and vows to continue it in a Harris administration. That alone disqualifies her to serve as president. That is not an endorsement of Trump, who’s even more ravenous for Israel to “to finish the job (genocide) in Gaza”

Harris remains in complete denial that US provocations made the Russian invasion of Ukraine inevitable. She’s committed to providing Ukraine with war weapons, already exceeding $150 billion, that have largely destroyed Ukraine as a functioning state. She calls negotiations to end the war “surrender”, something she will never do.

Harris’ claim that Iran is “America’s greatest adversary” is preposterous. She’s cool with Israel bombing folks in Tehran, but when Iran bombed back in protest, Harris got on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to discuss US help in Israel’s planned reprisals. That is not stateswomanship . That is criminal warmongering.

Harris is also on board endless US provocations against China in the Far East that could provoke war with the third largest nuclear power. Why? Harris says “The US must “win the competition for the 21st century with China.” A competition that ends in war is not winning. It is self destruction.

Harris may be pleasing the US war party, nut not voters in swing states. They are not supporting endless US wars sucking up US treasure needed for the Homeland. They favor Trump’s approach to ending them (however unrealistic) over Harris’ bellicose stance by a margin of 58% to 42%. That alone could cost Harris the electoral votes she needs for victory November 5. Her foreign policy is not just wrong…it is stupid.

On domestic issues Kamala checks all the right boxes. On foreign policy issues she my be leading America and the world to ruin.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

As Milton bears down on Floridians, Joe and Bibi bear down on Iranians.


As Milton bears down on Floridians, Joe and Bibi bear down on Iranians.

We know President Biden didn’t spend his whole schedule Wednesday fretting about hurricane relief for the soon to be inundated Florida. That’s because he spent a half hour discussing with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the upcoming Israeli-US attack on Iran.

That’s right, the imminent attack will be with full knowledge and support of the US, putting us at war with Iran if they choose to include US targets in the Middle East along with their retaliatory attack on Israel. And retaliate they have vowed to do.

President Biden has supported all 3 Israeli bombing campaigns, first on Gaza, then Lebanon and now Iran in the year since the Hamas attack on Israel. He’s completely complicit with Netanyahu's ghoulish carnage by giving Israel an astonishing $17.9 billion in military aid. Biden has squandered another $4.8 billion on a failed bombing campaign against Yemen Houthis and building up its military presence in the region in anticipation of regional war.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is close to realizing his short term dream of ethnically cleansing Gaza of Palestinians. While still underway, he’s pivoted to drawing the US into war with Iran which is the only way he can achieve his long term dream of destroying his only competitor for Middle East dominance.

We don’t know how many billions in damage will be inflicted by Milton on Florida. Wouldn’t it have been nice if that $22.7 billion Biden has squandered on genocide in Gaza, massive destruction in Lebanon and likely soon regional war with Iran, had been squirreled away to alleviate the devastation being visited upon Florida this week.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Let’s remember the 365 days of genocide as well as October 7 attack


Let’s remember the 365 days of genocide as well as October 7 attack

The Chicago Tribune editorial ‘Remember October 7, 2023’ was right to mourn the Israeli dead, injured and those taken hostage from the Hamas attack a year earlier.

But it’s unfortunate there was no mention of the of Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing that followed which has inflicted near total destruction on Gaza’s 139 square miles in the following 365 days. The Tribune ignores the over 40,000 officially dead (likely upwards of 100,000), nearly all schools universities, hospitals, homes destroyed and most food, water and medicine kept from reaching the most devastated people on earth.

It’s unfortunate that there is no mention that the year long genocide in Gaza could not be occurring without tens of billions in US weaponry flowing into Israel for their ‘defense.’ Genocide is not defense…it is genocide.

It is unfortunate there was no mention of the people Israeli genocide is designed to remove from Gaza and eventually the West Bank. Say the word Chicago Tribune Editorial Board…they are Palestinians.

For the Tribune to state that the horrors unleashed over the past year “can no longer be contained” is an abrogation of the media’s role to provide a solution to the most grotesque destruction of a people in this century. To state “we suspect it (the anniversary) will not be seen as a day to discuss politics or even the ongoing conflict now raging on another front” is being blind to evil that must be confronted relentlessly. 

This is precisely the day for the Chicago Tribune to engage its readership, regardless of ethnicity or religion, over the ongoing conflict. Had the Trib, along with the rest of mainstream media been doing just that for the past 365 days, this genocide might be over and negotiations for a Palestinian state underway.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

A Palestinian State, not bombing Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iran only path to Middle East peace.

 A Palestinian State, not bombing Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iran only path to Middle East peace

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes he can bomb his way to complete control over Palestine (Gaza and West Bank) and security from his Arab neighbors not cool with that.

A year into Netanyahu’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Gaza, with upwards of a hundred thousand dead in 139 largely destroyed square miles, has been a colossal failure.

A hundred thousand, even a million bombs, largely supplied by America, will not achieve Netanyahu’s cherished goal. Hamas in Gaza, fighting back against the Israeli genocide, cannot be destroyed. Hezbollah in Lebanon, displacing over 60,000 Israelis from Northern Israeli with rocket attacks, cannot be destroyed. The Houthis in Yemen, also firing into Israel in protest to the genocide, cannot be destroyed. Iran, supporting the forces opposing genocide in Gaza, cannot be destroyed.

Since none of Israel’s targets can be destroyed, only one solution remains: end opposition to a Palestinian state by negotiating its creation.

Tragically, senselessly, the US is enabling Israel’s entire ethnic cleansing project in Gaza and the West Bank. Without America’s 50,000 tons of war equipment, Israel could not embark on their deranged policy to remove all Palestinians from the region. The US is spending tens of billions of dollars to fund the worst genocide this century. Claiming we’re doing ‘everything we can to bring peace to the region and achieve a Palestinian state’ is mindboggling Orwellian doublespeak.

What’s truly astonishing about Netanyahu’s genocidal campaign is that it ensures the remaining Israeli hostages will come home in a box instead of alive. Had he negotiated their release once the Hamas terrorist attack was repelled, possibly all 251 hostages would be alive. Instead, the campaign to destroy and depopulate Gaza has killed 45 of the hostages with 97 more still enduring the most scorched earth policy we’ve witnessed in our lifetime. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protest daily against this cruel, self-destructive Netanyahu policy to no avail.

Since Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran cannot be destroyed, Netanyahu has ensured Israel will never achieve internal peace, much less all out victory.

President Biden can end Israel’s self-destructive path with one phone call. ‘Mr. Prime Minister…no more weapons for you till you end the genocide, express the desire for a Palestinian state, then follow thru with negotiations. Then, just maybe, you’ll return those remaining 97 Israeli hostages to their loved ones alive and bring peace to Israel and the region.’