Friday, February 07, 2020

Ives: Be like Sean update

Two months ago I chided Illinois Sixth District Republican candidate Jeanne Ives for not being a very intelligent liar over her easily refutable claim incumbent congressman Sean Casten only addresses friendly voters at 'invite only' town halls. The opposite was and is true. Casten engages with every concerned voter in the Illinois Sixth. I closed with a plea for Ives to stop trying to sneak lies over district voters and simply, like her congressman, tell the truth.
Alas, Ives is at it again, this time launching the preposterous charge Casten called for Trump’s impeachment before the Mueller Report was released last April. Indeed, Ives went further, authorizing a campaign spokesperson to claim Casten publicly supported impeachment before his election to Congress.
I closed my earlier plea to Ives urging her to forget trying to lie intelligently; simply be like Casten and always tell the truth. Ives response? Simply be like Trump and always lie.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Proper headline for Limbaugh award

Racist awards racist Presidential Medal of Freedom

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Perpetual war promoter Petraeus wrong choice as Judson U. speaker

Once again Elgin based Judson University has turned to a perpetual war promoter to headline its “World Leaders Forum”. This October, retired General David Petraeus will be keynote speaker at the Judson Forum designed to offer Judson students and Chicagoland the opportunity to be inspired by significant thought leaders. That purpose most certainly disqualifies Petraeus who spent eight years between 2003 and 2011 helping wage, promote and prolong our illegal and immoral wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He became the darling of the US war party with his utterly false charisma that maintained these wars should and could be won against all evidence to the contrary. After retiring in 2011, Petraeus became CIA Director and appeared headed for higher office, possibly even president. His career was upended and he was nearly jailed for having an affair with his fawning paramour biographer to whom he illegally gave classified documents to burnish the upcoming Petraeus bio. After a proverbial slap on the wrist involving probation and a fine, Petraeus embarked on a lesser career as corporate spokesman, educator, public speaker, among other endeavors, which brought about the Judson invitation.
Promoting and waging senseless perpetual wars squandering trillions getting millions killed, injured or displaced should automatically disqualify Petraeus from addressing Judson’s Christians. For some inexplicable reason Judson University has a penchant for inviting perpetual war promoters to discuss leadership. Petraeus will follow fellow such warriors George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Condoleezza Rice to keynote Judson’s World Leaders Forum. Judson alum Mark Vargas will lead the Q & A after Petraeus speaks. His first question should be: “How can you sleep at night after helping get all those people killed for nothing?”

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

SafeSpeed LLC needs a new name

Red light camera company SafeSpeed LLC issued a bizarre statement over a federal lawsuit alleging payment of hundreds of thousands to corrupt local officials so it can make millions in profits. It said "This is not who we are and it is not our culture" to pay those hundreds of thousands of dollars to make millions for the towns using their cameras and for SafeSpeed itself. The company blamed a single rogue part owner who they claim actually hurt the company rather that helped it. One must ponder if those hundreds of thousands in bribes were listed as 'marketing' on company books.
Till they're finally put out of business, as should every red light camera company who simply fund local government budgets with a 'driving' tax on unsuspecting motorists, they should go by the moniker 'MoneySpeed LLC

Monday, February 03, 2020

Trump explicitly champions what his predecessors implicitly championed: Israeli Apartheid

President Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ for peace between Israel and Palestine is nothing more than US sanctioned Apartheid of the 5 million Palestinian people kept stateless by Israel. The US has never been an honest broker for a Palestinian state. But till Trump’s explicit deal sanctifying Israeli Apartheid over Palestinians, US presidents always paid lip service to a two state solution, while Israel gobbled up Palestinian land and resources with nary a peep of US protest. Now Trump has buried that fantasy forever with an Israeli-US developed plan which violates international and moral law. Left out of their sellout, the Palestinian Authority rejected even taking a call from President Trump or opening his letter on the deal least they be falsely tabbed as being ‘consulted’ on their sellout.
US media has shamelessly gone along with Trump’s Apartheid sanctioned deal by virtually ignoring it editorially. Result? The vast majority of Americans are oblivious to America’s treachery to the concept of freedom and liberty for all which was our founding principle 244 years ago.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Glen Ellyn should jump on cannabis gravy train

Fiscally astute, nearby towns like Addison, Geneva, Lombard and Villa Park have allowed recreational cannabis sales this year. Fiscally timid communities like my own Glen Ellyn are telling it's 27,000 residents to drive a few miles to spend their recreational dollars, including a few for municipal taxes, in one of those communities before driving back to placid Glen Ellyn to get high. In the first 12 days of cannabis sales, $20 million flowed into legitimate business coffers in those enlightened communities, on track for $600 million in the first year. Glen Ellyn trustees have begun to awaken, pondering about having a referendum November 3 to gauge public support for keeping that Glen Ellyn walking around money right here in Glen Ellyn. Hey, what's the hurry?

Those Glen Ellyn trustees sure are good public servants....looking out for the fiscal health of their neighboring communities.