Saturday, July 27, 2013

House leader Roskam trapped in GOP death spiral over Obamacare

My Congressman and House Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam has more to worry about than the House ethics probe into his $25,653 trip to Taiwan to visit his daughter, paid for by the Chinese Culture University (or was it, in violation of US law, the government of Taiwan?).

No, his real anxiety comes from his continuing role as a GOP House leader in the GOP death spiral over their hideous obsession with overturning Obamacare which is working, providing medical care relief to tens of millions of Americans, and is becoming embedded in our land as surely as Social Security and Medicare. Instead of creating Job 1, Roskam has now voted 39 times (or is it 40 by now?) to overturn a law which Roskam, beneficiary of the Rolls Royce of health insurance policies known as Congresscare, neither needs nor wants to improve the industrialized world's worst health care delivery system.

Leader Roskam is now ensnared in GOP determination to wage economic extremism as a last, desperate response now that Obamacare is taking root. For starters they've skipped end of the fiscal year compromises needed to avoid a government shutdown, and once again are threatening to prevent a debt ceiling rise needed to avoid not only a US financial crisis but a worldwide one as well.

What is really fueling Roskam's despair is that everyday, more and more Americans, seeing the improvements Obamacare is making in their lives such as health insurance premium rebates required by Obamacare from insurers who gouge their customers, children who can stay on their parents' policies till age 26, more preventative care covered at no cost, and soon, the glorious end to the infamous "pre-existing conditions" clause which effects 130 million Americans from either getting health care if they don't have it, or spells disaster if they lose their current policy. Furthermore, premiums in the two largest states with the most uninsured, California and New York, are dropping fast, with New York's decline approaching 50%.     

Sadly, Congressman and House GOP Chief Deputy Whip Roskam, can't join the growing ranks of sensible, responsible conservatives who've read the Tea Leaves left to rot by the Tea Party fanatics bent on using Obamacare repeal as the ticket to destroying the Obama presidency. These conservatives have come to terms with Obamacare as a means of uplifting the health care of their tens of millions of less fortunate American neighbors. Roskam, sadly, has made a pact with the devil to be a GOP House leader and obediently nods his head when Speaker Boehner disgracefully argues, "We will not be judged by the laws we pass; we'll be judged by the laws we repeal". Boehner and Roskam will be judged, all right, but it will be their constituencies who are growing tired of their "ruin the Obama presidency at all costs and let their district, state and nation languish" strategy.   

Getting back to "Roskam's excellent Taiwan vacation", I, too, have a daughter overseas, on the other side of the world from Taiwan in Germany. I wonder if Roskam's congressional office of constituent services can offer any tips on how I might snag a freebee to visit her?

Music Pick: Sidney Bachet

Music Pick: Sidney Bechet

Soprano Sax great Sidney Bechet (1897-1962), is considered by many jazz buffs as the greatest instrumentalist of all time, eclipsing such greats as Louis Armstrong (trumpet), Benny Goodman (clarinet) and Charlie Parker (alto sax). They all had serious rivals who in some cases eclipsed their art, but nobody even challenged Bechet on soprano sax much less surpassed him. He has discouraged jazz reedman from concentrating exclusively on the instrument for ninety years now. That is dominance!

Sadly, unlike Armstrong and a legion of other early jazz greats, Bechet couldn't even make a living in the US through music, being reduced to running a tailor shop in Harlem in the early 1940's. He spent much of the 20's and 30's in Europe doing fairly well until his violent behavior (assaulted one woman and accidentally shot another in a duel with another musician) got him jailed for a year and deported back to the US twice).
In 1950, he quit Uncle Sam for good, went to live in France and became a jazz God there, finally achieving the success he craved and deserved in racially unfriendly America. He died on his 62nd birthday in 1959, and remains today a largely forgotten musical genius in he Land of the Free. The featured video features many pictures from his life and one of his best soprano sax discs, "Summertime" from 1939, followed by 1941's "Egyptian Fantasy" on his original, but mostly secondary instrument, clarinet.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Cong. Roskam on 4th Amendment: "Faggedaboudit"

We should all salute the 94 Republican Congressmen, along with 111 Congressional Democrats, who voted yesterday to restore the 4th Amendment, guaranteeing every American the right to privacy. Unfortunately, my 6th Illinois District Congressman Peter Roskam wasn't among them. He joined the 134 Republicans and 83 Democrats to narrowly defeat (217-205) an amendment to the $585 billion spending bill which would have ended NSA spying on every American, including Congressman Roskam.

Two courageous Americans deserve special thanks for getting this amendment brought to a vote: NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden and Michigan Republican Congressman Justin Amash. Snowden deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom for giving up his freedom to inform us victims of all encompassing governmental spying of this despicable assault on our privacy. His disclosure ignited the firestorm of opposition that inspired yesterday's vote. Snowden still sits in a Moscow airport while Uncle Sam and Mother Russia wrangle over his fate. Stay safe hero Ed.

Congressman Amash authored the amendment and maneuvered it to a vote. Unlike Snowden, Amash still has his watered down American freedom but he's sure incurred the wrath of House GOP leadership, including Congressman Roskam, for daring to oppose the war party on their relentless dismantling of our Constitutional guarantees. That he brought it to a vote and nearly passed it was truly shocking. It guarantees, to quote a famous Republican, Arnold Schwartzenberger that: "We'll be back".  

So, unfortunately, will our champion of Constitutional destruction, Peter Roskam, to make sure Amash and his growing cadre of Constitutionalists in both parties don't succeed in returning our freedoms. To give Congressman Roskam the benefit of the doubt that he may not realize what he voted to continue undermining, here is the simple and eloquent and precious freedom he voted against:
          4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
As long as we have Americans like Ed Snowden, Congressman Amash and millions more demanding it be reinstated, Congressman Roskam will ultimately fail to tack on: "R.I.P".


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where art doesn't endure

While listening to a Chicago public school advocate lamenting educational cuts to CPS on TV, I was stunned by her statement "Kelly High School just lost its entire music program to school cuts". I was a clarinetist in the Kelly HS concert band from 1959 to 1963, and what a great band it was. Under the direction of the revered Frank Borger from 1935 to 1956, and then by one of his band students John Rhymak for many years thereafter, the Kelly HS band consistently achieved an S for Superior in the city wide concert band competition. I still have my long play albums from 1959, 60 and 61 when we scored two Superiors and one Excellent playing such pieces as Mozart's Overture Impresario, Leugini's Ballet Egyptian, and Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6. Besides competitions, we played school concerts, football games and Chicago State Street parades. Best memory? Our 84 strong contingent was reduced to just 26 when foul weather kept most home from one parade. Playing through wind and rain was a challenge but we never faltered. My mind's eye can still see the blackboard where Conductor Rhymak put up our names under the heading: "26 Loyal Kelly Band Members at St Pat's Parade".

A wise aphorism states: "All things pass, only art endures". I guess that doesn't apply at Kelly High.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Music Pick: Les Paul & Mary Ford

My earliest memory of pre rock 1950's pop music was that it was pretty dreadful (remember "How much is that doggy in the window")? The one exception was Les Paul & Mary Ford who charted 16 top ten hits between 1950 and 1954 till Elvis and the rockers blew them off the charts. Paul (1915-2009) was a musical genius who developed the utterly unique multi tracking sou...nd used on all their hits. The attached video of their 1951 performance (more appropriately performances) of How High The Moon shows them performing live while listening on earphones to the multitracks they overlay against. Paul & Ford divorced in 1964. Ford quickly faded from the music scene but Paul soldiered on till his death at 94 in 2009, playing his last concert just 2 weeks earlier.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Kass's 'President's Trayvon speech is the work of a maestro' column is itself the work of a maestro

Rush Limbaugh used Trayvon Martin trial testimony to utter the the N word on his radio show, substituting and "a" for "r' at the end. Sean Hannity, commenting on President Obama's highly personal reaction to the not guilty aftermath in the black community, likened Obama to a drug smoking gang banger when Obama said he "could have been Trayvon 35 years ago". Such comments were so mean spirited, hideous in fact, that they have no influence outside of the hate filled true believers who pour millions of dollars into Limbaugh's and Hannity's bank accounts.

But when it comes to dismissing and trivializing the enormous racial implications of the Martin killing to all Americans, especially black youth and their parents faced with the enormous burden of what to teach their male children to avoid ending up like Martin, Limbaugh and Hannity need to read Kass's take on Obama's inspiring remarks in Sunday's Trib. Kass accomplished the same thing without the vitriol and the N word and the obvious hate that Limbaugh and Hannity are incapable of avoiding. In so doing, they will get a lesson from the maestro