Thursday, October 17, 2024

Peace Coalition to discuss BRICS and SCO: Do they spell demise of US unipolar dominance at October Educational Forum

Peace Coalition to discuss BRICS and SCO: Do they spell demise of US unipolar dominance at October Educational Forum
You'll never hear BRICS and SCO mentioned by our government and its mainstream media for good reason. They may be spelling the end of US unipolar world dominance. Learn about this important development at the West Suburban Peace Coalition Educational Forum October 29 via Zoom. 
When: Tuesday, October 29, 7:00 to 8:00 PM Chicago time via Zoom. 
Topic: "What the US is Missing about Multipolarity."
Speaker: Ted Snider, foreign affairs columnist at
For Zoom link contact Walt Zlotow 630 442 3045

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

US wants Ukraine to send teenagers into the chopper mill of lost proxy war against Russia.


US wants Ukraine to send teenagers into the chopper mill of lost proxy war against Russia.
After 32 months of utter failure, one might conclude the US is ready to toss in the towel in its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
Over $150 billion in war material has done nothing to achieve stalemate, much less victory. Russia is advancing steadily to cut off Ukraine’s ability to remain in the fight both provoked and extended for over 2 years by the Biden administration.
Ukraine’s young men ore fleeing conscription in droves. To keep the conveyor belt of cannon fodder flowing, President Zelensky lowered the draft age from 27 to 25 last April. He was responding to criticism from supreme US war promoter Sen. Lindsay Graham, who visited Zelensky to offer “I would hope that those eligible to serve in the Ukrainian military would join. I can’t believe it’s at 27. You’re in a fight for your life, so you should be serving — not at 25 or 27. We need more people in the line.”
At the beginning of this lost war Graham gloated that “Ukraine should fight to the last person”…as long as billions in US weapons flowing.
But rather than toss in the towel, the Biden administration now suggests Ukraine should toss in 18 year olds to fill the ranks of near empty brigades. If asked again about Ukraine’s dire situation, Graham would likely amend his earlier comment to state that ‘Ukraine should fight to the last teenager.’

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Netanyahu’s genocide policies getting hostages killed, ensuring Israel’s decline


Netanyahu’s genocide policies getting hostages killed, ensuring Israel’s decline

A wise axiom advises: Be careful what you wish for….you might get it. The consequences of achieving that wish open backfire spectacularly.

That certainly applies to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Once Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack had been neutralized, his primary job was to negotiate the release of the 251 Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. But instead, he jumped at the opportunity to use the attack to institute his government’s long cherished dream of removing all the Palestinians from Gaza, as well as the West Bank.

So instead of engaging in negotiations to free the hostages he embarked on genocide. A year on, sustainable life for 2,300,000 Palestinians in Gaza is gone. Over 50,000, possibly over 100,000 are dead. Gaza’s 139 square miles have been bombed into rubble. Virtually no food or medicine is allowed in, resulting in every remaining Palestinian suffering food insufficiency and degraded health.

While Netanyahu glories in his Palestinian removal campaign, the consequences to Israel may be worse.

Israel is now a pariah state, without an ally among the 193 countries except its genocide weapons supplier America.

Forty-five of the 142 unreleased hostages are dead with little hope remaining for the 97 others suffering along with the beleaguered Palestinians…if they’re even still alive.

Israel is experiencing chaos. Over 60,000 dispersed from Northern Israel due to Hezbollah rockets in protest of the genocide. Israelis are leaving Israel permanently in record numbers. Tens of thousands of small businesses are closing. Tourism is down 80%. Foreign investment is down 18% in the first half of 2024. Israel’s credit rating has been downgraded twice. The military is demoralized by having to inflict genocide on Gaza with no apparent military victory over Hamas in sight.

Much worse is on the horizon for Israel if Netanyahu proceeds with his likely imminent attack on Iran. If so, the Iranian response may inflict infinitely more damage on Israel than the Hezbollah rockets raining down from Lebanon.

Yes, the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack gave Benjamin Netanyahu the golden opportunity to ethnically cleanse Gaza using genocide. Ultimately, it appears to be destroying Israel as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Schuchardt’s “better approach” truly bizarre


Schuchardt’s “better approach” truly bizarre

My fellow Glen Ellynite Dan Schuchardt sure has a novel way of opposing fair (higher) taxation for America’s wealthiest citizens. His Chicago Tribune letter ‘Better approach to US debt’ offers a solution sure to resonate with the folks piling up massive wealth from Trump's 2017 tax cut on top of already low tax rates while the commons go without.

His solution to adequately fund critical services and infrastructure while reducing debt?

First, ask churches to donate their church building money to “help.” I can see it now….the church pastor sends a check to the government with a note saying ‘Pleases use our building money to reduce America’s $35 trillion debt.’

Second, have presidential candidates Trump and Harris roll out ads offering no solutions to funding the commons except ‘Please Mr. and Mrs. Billionaire, pony up some of your generous tax cuts to reduce America’s $35 trillion debt.’

Somehow Mr. Schuchardt ignores that Trump’s trillion dollar plus tax cut for the wealthy was a major contributor to his massive $7.8 trillion debt increase in just 4 years, the largest ever for one term. Schuchardt has no issue with the wealthiest 1% getting a tax cut of $60,000 next year with more promised if Schuchardt’s candidate prevails November 5.

Dan Schuchardt’s solution to our $35 trillion debt is to wish it away from donations. That is not a solution…it’s a delusion.


Biden should channel Trump and talk to Putin
Democrats are using revelations of candidate Trump’s talks with Russian President Putin to bash him as a ‘Putin Puppet.’ Bob Woodward’s new book ‘War’, being published this week, claims there have been at least 7 such talks since Trump left the White House, including this year.
President Biden, unlike Trump, has spoken not a word with Putin for all 45 months of his presidency. That willful silence by Biden puts us all at greater risk of the US stumbling into nuclear war with Russia over the conventional war in Ukraine.
Had Biden picked up the phone to discuss Putin’s concerns over US sponsored NATO membership in 2021, war in Ukraine could have been easily avoided. Over half a million Ukrainian soldiers would be alive. Millions would not have been forced to flee to other countries or locales within Ukraine. The 20% of eastern Ukraine now forever lost to Russia would still be under Ukrainian sovereignty. Ukraine’s economy would not be on life support kept alive by NATO’s endless billions.
Biden was simply following US policy going back to the George W. Bush administration to keep Russia out of the Western European political economy by phantacizing Russia as a threat, not an economic partner. The linchpin for such isolation was NATO membership for Ukraine allowing a NATO military buildup on their Ukrainian border.
Isolating Russia was so important to the US that they supported a 2014 coup against the Russian leaning Ukrainian president because he was about to cooperate economically with Russia. That coup demonstrated America’s total hypocrisy championing democracy. It led the Russian leaning Ukrainians in Donbas to seek separation from the Kiev ultranationalists seeking to snuff out their Russian culture.
America’s response was not to support an end to Kyiv’s oppression but to fund it with hundreds of millions in US weapons. Putin’s Russia spent 7 years using diplomacy to stop Kyiv’s repression and keep Ukraine out of NATO. In November, 2021, Putin made his last overture to Biden to negotiate Russia’s NATO and Eastern Ukrainian separatists concerns. Instead of doing the sensible, diplomatic step of free and open negotiation, Biden, thru his emissaries, essentially told Putin to ‘Go to Hell.’
Instead Putin went to war, which has now largely destroyed Ukraine as a functioning country, spelling the end of US political dominance in Europe. Senseless US action provoking this unfolding catastrophe is possibly the worst diplomatic blunder in US history.
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. What it should stand for is No Action Talk Only.