There cannot be a more demeaning political task in the Land of Lincoln than trying to win the HOP (Homophobe Only Party) Primary slot to be Illinois' next governor. Just as social dinosaur racists fled the Democratic Party in the deep south to form a lilly white Republican Party, social dinosaur homophobes in Illinois have fled to the friendly confines of the Illinois HOP, where gays need not apply. This poses a gigantic dilemma for HOP gubernatorial aspirants. Otherwise decent and intelligent gents are forced to twist themselves into ideological pretzels to retain of semblance of credibility with the most virulent homophobes who turn out in mass in HOP primaries to insure Illinois officially remains a homophobic state.
First up is my mellifluous voiced state senator Kirk Dillard. Prior to the February 14 Senate vote that passed marriage equality in Illinois, I tried and tried to get Dillard to simply offer his position on gay marriage. After many pleadings he finally offered that marriage equality posed such a threat to our social fabric that it could only be decided by a referendum of all Illinoisans. If Dillard had any understanding of the gay community, he'd know gays would do nothing to harm fabric, social or otherwise. Twenty-six years in public service and Dillard employs a cowardly and politically self serving trick to attempt taking the issue of full citizenship to half a million Illinoisans off the legislative table. That is a world class cop out, Senator.
Next up is Dan Rutherford, who currently serves as my state treasurer. He may know a lot about money but he shows zero empathy for governing all the people. I called his campaign office inquiring if he supports marriage equality in Illinois. The nice lady who answered said Dan opposes marriage equality because "it is a religious thing". I politely reminded her that Rutherford is not running for Pope or Bishop, but governor of all the people, straight or gay, religious or otherwise. Maybe she signed on to the Rutherford campaign thinking it was more of a religious crusade than a principled political campaign. There sure is plenty of piety but a paucity of principles
The latest entrant is mega millionaire money mogul Bruce Rauner. Marriage equality for Rauner is the issue that dare not speak its name. Mention the subject and Rauner disingenuously claims that his personal views on gay marriage are "irrevalent". When pressed he pulls a "Dillard" and claims it is up to the people, not the legislature. When further pressed by the Sun-Times interviewer "Should Illinois legalize gay marriage?" Reuner replied, "I guess we're done" and walked off the podium, taking no more questions. Mr. Rauner, I guess we're done....with you.
There is little chance that a decent human being, promising to govern all Illinoisans fairly, including the half million gays, will step forth to replace the H in HOP with the G that represents Grand. All 13 million of we Illinoisans are losers for that. Whoever does get the HOP nod for governor should apply to the national party for an exception to using the elephant as the party symbol. In honor of my legislative neighbor in DuPage County, Rep. Jeanne Ives (HOP, 48th), the HOP gubernatorial standard bearer should adopt the weasel to distinguish the HOP from all those who believe in full equality for all.