Saturday, March 20, 2021

What is really wrong and insulting

The only thing George Kujanski got right in his Daily Herald letter ‘Indoctrination at school is wrong, insulting’ is the first 3 words “I am privileged”, but not in the sense he means. It’s white privilege that allowed him to enter American after WWII and prosper. Had his family been black, Jim Crow America would be among the last countries his parents would flee to from war torn Europe.
Mr. Kujanski appears oblivious how white privilege gave his mother and him advantages in achieving a modicum of success thru three generations. That path to success is largely denied tens of millions of America’s minorities
It’s bad enough Kujanski is unaware of the advantages he reaped. But he goes further, choosing to denigrate highly educated and wise thinkers as writing ‘drivel and political propaganda’ when they’re simply working to correct the lack of insight and understanding of the pernicious effects of white privilege and income inequality.
That, and not sincere efforts to sensitize school children to serious issues of race and inequality, is what is wrong, insulting.
George Kujanski letter
Indoctrination at school is wrong, insulting
I am privileged. I was privileged to come to this country with my parents after WWII. Later, I was privileged to work my way through college along with help from my mom, who raised four kids with only her Social Security survivors' benefits and factory work.
Later in life, I was privileged to send my two kids to college, and now I am privileged to pay high taxes. of which 66% go to the local school system - an excellent system, by the way.
Today, we have some truly privileged Ivy League grads who write drivel and market their fancy-named (Critical Race Theory and Deep Equity) political propaganda to employers and worse, to indoctrinate our youngsters in our school system.
Young minds are vulnerable to this trash. Schools should concentrate on curriculum such as math, reading, science, etc. which lay the groundwork for their success in the future. It is the parents' responsibility to teach their offspring the remainder.
As mentioned, I pay high taxes to support the school system to provide a quality education to the students, not to indoctrinate them. I consider this indoctrination to be an insult to me and what I have worked for.
Folks, we need to stop this political propaganda, marketed by the elite, from taking over our society. This practice is starting in our school systems. Be watchful, attend school board meetings and make your opinions known. Administrations will try to implement this drivel because they are afraid of political repercussions.
God bless the United States of America.
George Kujanski

U.S. helping Saudis kill 400,000 kids under 5 this year

Not making that up. It’s the assessment of 4 UN agencies last month on the six yearlong Saudi war against the Houthi rebels who overthrew the Saudi supported Yemen government in September, 2014.
The Saudis want the former government restored, fearing the Houthis are aligned with their bête noire Iran. That’s all Uncle Sam needed to jump in with bombs, refueling jets and logistical intelligence to set off the worst humanitarian crisis extant.
So far a quarter million are dead and three million on the move. Worse, 16 million are at risk of starvation, including 2 million little kids. Until the Saudi, U.S. blockade and bombing campaign ends, one of those kids dies every 75 seconds, hence the 400,000 annual figure.
President Joe is concerned, but not enough to pull the plug on one of the most heinous American military involvements ever. His war loving Secretary of State Tony Blinken is blaming the Houthis for the deadlock in negotiations for a ceasefire.
Saudi Arabia’s grotesque war against Yemen would collapse without U.S. support. In the 6 years with U.S collaboration, they’ve never come close to winning.
The U.S., Saudi made catastrophe in Yemen barely makes the news. Not sexy enough to draw viewers. Stop looking away folks. That Yemeni kid that just starved to death thanks to your tax dollars, but for the grace of chance, could have been yours.

Killer Joe calls killer Vladimir a killer

President Biden set off a diplomatic kerfuffle yesterday when he called Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘a killer’. Russia responded dramatically by recalling their U.S. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov for consultations in order to “figure out what to do and where to move in terms of relations with the United States.”
Rather than citing specific Putin murders, Biden was apparently referring to Putin’s failure to whack his Russian critic Alexei Navalny, something alleged but not proven.
But Putin is not confessing, and even if he gave the order to sprinkle lethal nerve agent in Navalny’s undies, that makes him a failed attempted killer as Navalny survived to score a 2 year sentence in a Russian prison.
While we can only speculate on Putin the killer, we have Biden himself bragging about his being a killer extraordinaire. On February 25, just 36 days into his presidency, he ordered a dastardly bombing of 2 sites in Syria, blowing somewhere between 17 to 22 persons to smithereens. The bombing was to avenge the bombing of an American base in Iraq, killing a U.S. contractor. When asked about the bombing, Biden warned the unknown person or persons who did kill the U.S. contractor, “Be careful”.
It was also done so Biden could make bones that he can kill anyone, anywhere, anytime to keep America’s perpetual wars thriving. With hundreds of thousands already dead, what’s a couple dozen more to add on Biden’s death watch in the Middle East?
On the domestic front, good President Biden is reducing childhood poverty, beating down pandemic, decrying institutional racism. Overseas, bad President Biden is killing them loudly with his smart bombs fired by dummies.

No end in sight for endless Iraq war

Eighteen years ago tonite my wife and I held a St. Joseph’s Day celebration for a few friends. The hot topic was the impending Iraq war which we knew was about to begin.
Sure enough, word came of the murderous barrage of ‘shock and awe’, bombs raining down on Baghdad in the early morning hours there of March 20, 2003. The first of hundreds of thousands to die began piling up. The first of millions forced to flee American carnage were on the move.
I knew this dastardly day was coming for 7 months. Buried deep in the paper that August, 2002 day, was a report of the massive U.S. buildup of military infrastructure and personnel on Iraq’s doorstep. Along with the drumbeat of endless war propaganda from the government and its compliant media, war was coming as surely as every illegal, immoral and criminal war thruout history.
That day spelled the end to my 35 year absence from the antiwar movement in 1967, after 4 years of opposing the Vietnam War in college. I’ve spent a part of every day since writing, speaking out, occasionally acting out to push back against this abomination of senseless violence.
Today, 6,575 days later we still defile Iraq, bomb innocents and squander trillions in a futile effort justify our original sin there. Every American of peace and goodwill should pause on this sad anniversary and resolve to push back against perpetual war in Iraq and other hapless victims of imagined American exceptionalism.