Saturday, February 17, 2018

Has the NRA's 20 grand silenced Roskam on gun massacres?

The NRA has given my congressman Peter Roskam (IL-6) over $20,000 during his political career, including $2,000 in the 2016 election. Of course, as with any political contribution, there is no Quid Pro Quo for the dough. But it is more than a bit peculiar that as with every gun massacre in America, including Wednesday's 31 shot in Florida, Roskam remains utterly silent on endless gun tragedies debasing life in America. How silent? Search Roskam's website for 'American gun massacres/violence' and not a single link appears. That's zero, zilch, nada, 'faggedaboudit'. We should all get this tri-color mailing from him in this year's election:
'Peter Roskam...faithfully serving the NRA for 12 years.'

End cruel, pointless 58 year Cuban embargo

I didn't like the US embargo of Cuba as a 15 year old in 1960. After an 8 day visit there I dislike it more at 73. America business interests, both legal (US Fruit among others) and illegal (Mafia) made billions between our 1898 land grab from Spain till Castro took over and began instituting reforms in 1959. The revolution was necessary and inevitable. The 6 million Cubans had suffered enough under 61 years of US imperialism and plunder. We could have helped Cuba transition away from exploitation to fair play. But Ike heeded the false call of US righteousness to trash any chance of a rapprochement, beginning 58 years of punishing the Cuban people. Not satisfied with an embargo, Ike and successor JFK greenlighted a US run invasion to restore rapacious capitalism. When that failed at Bay of Pigs, we simply tried to kill Castro before bringing mankind to the brink of nuclear annihilation in 1962. Brother Raul leaves office in two months, ending 59 years of Castro rule there. Let's work to keep 'el bloqueo' from reaching the same milestone.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

From gun free to gun drenched

Just returned from 8 days traveling 4 cities and several provinces of Cuba. Virtually no gun violence there because guns are illegal and unavailable. Saw two, yes, just two police on the streets entire time, traversing many blocks at night without fear. Landed in Florida Wednesday to news of latest machine gun slaughter of 17 dead, 14 wounded in a Florida high school. In my Chicago hometown a police commander gun downed at the Thompson Center in broad daylight. Shinning City on the Hill? Nope, just a blood drenched gutter with thousands of bodies piling up yearly courtesy of the gun lobby and their hired protectors in Congress.