Romney to America: "Keep your mitts of my free stuff"
As bad as Mitt Romney's campaign for president was, and it was quite
dreadful, it pales in comparison to his classless explanation for his
shellacking, given a week after he disappeared behind the gates of one
of his spectacular residences. He simply trotted out the scurrilous GOP
talking point that surfaced within hours of President Obama's
overwhelming Electoral College and 3.4 million popular vote margin: it
was all due to the "free stuff" the President promised the less
Sadly, in all his 65 years, Romney has failed to grasp
the concept that character is revealed less in how you handle victory,
but in how you act when the battle is lost and progress requires
honesty, healing and acceptance.
As examples he listed administration efforts to reduce
onerous debt on student loans which has become an anchor on our
educational system; access to contraception for millions of women in
need; and ability of young people under 26 to stay on their parents'
health insurance plans. Romney remains oblivious to the trillions of
dollars in undeserved tax cuts showered upon our wealthiest citizens,
including Mitt himself, during the past 11 years and actually
campaigned on increasing this unconscionable largess. Romney's "free
stuff" manta quite simply echoes the entire GOP playbook of using code
to imply that all the non-white and non-wealthy folks are being bribed
away from supporting a candidate and a party dedicated to "getting it
all" for America's entitled ruling class. He even singled out African
Americans and Latinos as the targeted groups to be bribed for their
When a presidential election is over, it is critical
that the loser display class and grace to help heal the inherent
divisiveness a campaign brings. Having followed every presidential
campaign since 1952, I was shocked and disappointed that Romney was the
first to jettison this time honored hallmark of our democracy. At a
time when America must heal its divide to surmount its economic
malaise, Romney poured gasoline on the fire of class division he
campaigned upon. He need only go back four years and view a tape of
John McCain's display of class and grace in his concession speech after
America elected our first African American president.