Thursday, February 01, 2024

Expatriate Bruce Rauner should bud out of Chicago governance issues

 Expatriate Bruce Rauner should bud out of Chicago governance issues

If a Chicago Tribune reader of former governor Bruce Rauner’ recent op-ed on education didn't know him, he'd likely think he was a great Chicagoan.
Alas, Bruce Rauner is neither great nor a Chicagoan. Near billionaire Rauner accomplished nothing of note during his 4 year term except an unprecedented lengthy delay in passing a budget that made him appear incompetent if not simply uncaring of responsible governance.
After spending tens of millions of his enormous wealth in his failed bid to get re-elected, Rauner scooped up his remaining hundreds of millions and fled to Florida.
If Bruce Rauner was truly concerned about the quality of education and civic life in Chicago, he’d try to make a difference right here in Chicagoland instead of luxuriating in a multi-million dollar gated Florida enclave far removed from any semblance of big city reality.

Bravo to US GOP and Hungary’s P.M. Orban for delaying $115 billion for Ukraine

 Bravo to US GOP and Hungary’s P.M. Orban for delaying $115 billion for Ukraine

US GOP and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban may cave to their respective war parties and greenlight $115 billion on new weapons to keep Ukraine being destroyed in the Russo Ukraine war. But till that occurs we in the peace community applaud their efforts to delay sending that weapons boondoggle to further prevent a negotiated settlement there.
Biden has been thirsting for an additional $61 billion since October but is being blocked by the House GOP. The EU has spent the same time demanding $54 billion (50 billion Euros) from EU block countries but strongman Orban says ‘No way.’
Frustrated Biden and his war party Democrats are blasting the GOP as being in league with the new ‘Hitler’ Putin. The EU is going even further, threatening to sabotage the Hungarian economy till Orban comes to his war funding senses. US uses red baiting; EU uses blackmail. US and EU war funders are under extreme pressure to perpetuate a lost war utterly destroying Ukraine as a functioning country.
But every day that neither side opposing new funding folds, is another day closer to Ukraine regaining their sanity and heading to the negotiating table to save Ukraine further devastation from crazed US and EU war policies.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

 Biden flops at being next Education President


 Both H.W. Bush and W. Bush laid claim on being the Education President. Truly bizarre as likely not a single school kid during their combined 12 year presidencies would concur with their grandiose chosen moniker. W proclaimed ‘No Child Left Behind.’ He spent his 8 years leaving every child behind as he poured trillions into criminal wars that largely destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq as viable countries simply to dominate the Middle East.Following in W’s combat boot footsteps, President Biden has truly left his mark on education, particularly in Gaza. During the January 24thInternational Day of Education, Biden’s 2,000 lbs bombs and Israeli soldiers were busy destroying nearly half of Gaza’s 737 schools. The rest have been shut down since November, ending education there for Gaza’s 625,000 students. Schools still standing are sheltering some of the 2,000,000 Palestinian refugees. Gaza’s 22,500 teachers are not just out of work. They’re homeless and fleeing US bombs dropped by Israel.Joe Biden has likely given up being the next Education President. But he’s gone a long way to becoming America’s first Genocide President.