Will Trump's first veto be to extend US war crimes in Yemen?
With a Republican Senate, President Trump has not had to issue a veto. McConnell's minions there would never send Trump a bill requiring whipping out the veto pen. That may change soon as the Senate takes up H.J.Res. 37 which invokes the War Powers Act of 1973, requiring Trump to end criminal US involvement in Saudi Arabia's merciless war against Houthi rebels in Yemen. It passed Wednesday 248 to 177, with 18 Republicans joining all 230 Democrats voting for peace.
With 60,000 dead, a million suffering cholera, and 15 million facing starvation from a Saudi blockade, Yemen is the most devastated place on earth. Passage in the Senate is possible as enough Republicans may join all the Democrats to take back war making power from the president as required by the Constitution. Of course, most Americans are oblivious of this momentous initial step by Congress to end one of American's many criminal wars because last Wednesday's House vote was virtually ignored by mainstream media. That is tragic for the beleaguered Yemenis being blown too bits by US bombs dropped from US planes piloted by Saudi killers. It is also tragic for the worldwide peace movement and for mankind. How grotesque that Trump's first and possibly only veto might be to continue war crimes we're paying for with our tax dollars.