Sunday, February 12, 2017

Constituents to Roskam: You ain't seen nothing yet

My congressman Peter Roskam has lived in an extreme right wing bubble throughout his decade in office. The election of moral degenerate Trump, whom Roskam backed as a 'wild card', has shattered that insularity from the roughly 60% of registered voters forever. Forget Roskam's 60% majorities in his bi-annaul annuity to do the bidding of the Koch Brothers, the war party, the anti abortion zealots, the greedy 1%, the extremist Israeli Likud government, among others. The 50% of registered voters who aren't served by Roskam but stay home nonetheless, have been galvanized into political activism as never before.
Roskam has publicly shown his disdain for them by cancelling meetings with constituents concerned with matters of life and death, and sneaking in and out of meetings with the extreme right choir, to avoid the folks hurt by his heartless policy positions. Roskam's response to withering criticism of his disappearing act is to blame the messenger, claiming any public gathering will be disruptive and non-productive. Bunk. Roskam needs to face, for the first time in his decade serving the elite and uncaring, the faces and concerns of the many thousands he's left behind.
Welcome to reality, congressman. Prepare to earn your salary and benefits north of a cool quarter million yearly. It's about time.