Friday, August 30, 2024

Harris fails first interview on ending US enabled Israeli genocide in Gaza


Harris fails first interview on ending US enabled Israeli genocide in Gaza
During her interview with CNN’s Dana Bash last night, Kamala Harris doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on President Biden’s enabling of Israeli genocide in Gaza.
“Let me be very clear. I’m unequivocal and — and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself. And that’s not gonna change. But let’s take a step back. October 7, 1,200 people are massacred, many young people who are simply attending a musical festival. Women were horribly raped. As I said then, I say today, Israel had a right — has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. And we have got to get a deal done that is about getting the hostages out. I’ve met with the families of the American hostages. Let’s get the hostages out. Let’s get the ceasefire done.”
In Kamala's worldview, its all about helping the people committing genocide, not the victims of genocide.

But once the October 7th Hamas attack was repelled, the Biden administration, instead of working to end the violence, embarked on total support to Israeli exploiting the attack to utterly destroy Gaza as a livable 139 square miles for 2,300,000 Palestinians. In doing so Biden failed to follow US law which obligated him to cut off all military aid to Israel.
Here’s what Kamala’s “unequivocal and unwavering …commitment” since October 7 to provide for Israel what it needs to complete the annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza:
50,000 tons of war weapons arriving on 197 ships and 500 cargo planes since the genocide began last October. These weapons have 42 million tons, over three quarters of Gaza’s buildings, into rubble. Over 10,000 Palestinians lie squashed under that rubble. Over 40,000 Palestinians dead, mostly woman and kids. The death toll slated to rise above 185,000 from disease and starvation according UK medical journal Lancet.
Palestinians' safe haven in Gaza is confined to 11% of its territory. Even that postage stamp size habitat gets bombed. The Biden administration has given Israel $17 billion in new military aid since October 7 on top of the $3.8 billion in free money it gives Israel every year to maintain their Apartheid control of Gaza and the West Bank.
As the No 2 person in the Biden administration and now the titular Democratic Party leader as presidential nominee, Harris has her fingerprints all over the US enabled genocide there. Harris remains cool with a policy, forbidden by US law, to give military aid to a nation using it to commit war crimes and prevent humanitarian aid from reaching its victims.
She could have spoken out of the need to cut off genocide weapons to Israel. She could have resigned the Vice Presidency in protest. There’s precedent for that. In 1915 Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigned from the Wilson Administration after Wilson demanded he send Germany a war threatening letter over the Lusitania sinking. A hundred nine years later over 2 dozen Biden staffers have followed Bryan’ principled example…but not Kamala.
Kudos to Bryan for resigning to prevent US entry into WWI. Raspberries to Kamala for hopping aboard the Biden/Netanyahu Genocide Train destroying Gaza.
Over half of Biden’s 81 million of Biden’s 2020 voters want an end to US weaponizing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Millions of them will vote third party or skip the presidential vote in protest. That may spell defeat for Harris November 5, a cruel legacy of her support of Israeli/US genocide in Gaza.
A crueler legacy for Kamala Harris is that she’ll forever be tarnished with the crime of enabling genocide when she was in a position of power to end it.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Democratic Party platform a catastrophe for world peace


Democratic Party platform a catastrophe for world peace

Last Monday the Democratic National Committee (DNC) adopted likely the worst foreign policy platform in US history.

It voted “ironclad” support for Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Nothing new here as America has long been supplying tens of billions in genocide weapons for Israel to ‘finish the job’. The Democratic platform’s promise of a “commitment to Israel’s qualitative military edge” ensures that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will die and likely no Palestinian will be left in Gaza unless the US ends its conveyor belt of genocide weapons.

The platform further boasts about the US bombing campaign against Yemen for tying up Red Sea shipping in support of Palestine. Alas, the platform mischaracterized the multibillion-dollar campaign as a success when it has utterly failed to reopen the Red Sea to worldwide shipping. And until America stops supplying Israel the genocide weapons, it never will.

Another false achievement the platform touts is America’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine which has backfired spectacularly, elevating the former while deeply degrading the latter.

One more imagined platform achievement for good measure: America’s massive multi billion dollar buildup in the Asia Pacific to defeat China, “America’s most consequential strategic competitor.”

The world will be damn fortunate if the 2024 Democratic Platform doesn’t serve as a blueprint for America blowing up the Middle East, blowing up Europe, blowing up the Asia Pacific.

A party platform on foreign affairs should build a sturdy foundation to promote world peace. The 2024 Democratic platform on foreign affairs ensures more instability, more spending of precious treasure on weapons of death, more war; possibly even nuclear winter. That represents a party platform servicing a gallows for peoplekind.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Donahue death recalls infamous 2003 firing for opposing Iraq War


Donahue death recalls infamous 2003 firing for opposing Iraq War
Talk show pioneer and legend Phil Donahue died Sunday at 88. 
Some of his obits omitted his ignominious firing by MSNBC 3 weeks ahead of President George W. Bush’s illegal, immoral, criminal war against Iraq. Donahue began a short gig with the highly touted progressive network the previous year. But his progressive antiwar views got him in trouble with the suits who had jumped on board W’s criminal war gravy train. 
Feisty Phil featured a parade of anti-establishment folks like Nader, Sanders, Steinem, Ivins; even Palestinian spokespersons. This led the the Donahue Rule…he had to present 2 establishment righties for every progressive good guy. The suits upped the ante when Phil’s producer suggested booking Michael Moore. Flinty Michael required three conservatives to counter Moore’s astute progressive political observations. 
But as corporate media, including MSNBC, coalesced around W’s despicable Iraq invasion, Donahue’s 36 years of terrific, fearless journalism that uplifted society became a media liability. A now infamous quote from a suit summed up everything that’s wrong with US mainstream media. “Donahue represented a difficult public face for NBC at a time of war.”
Twenty-one years later, nothing has changed to allow any sensible discussion of US warfare in Europe, the Middle East and possibly even the Far East. No dissent is allowed regarding the US proxy war against Russia destroying Ukraine. US enabled Israeli genocide on Gaza’s 2,300,000 people is the topic that dare not speak its name on mainstream outlets right and left. Discussion of America’s obsession with ‘defeating China with an endless military buildup is verboten. 
Now up in journalistic heaven, Phil Donahue is shaking his head that his efforts to foster a sane foreign policy have come to naught. But unlike virtually all of his mainstream colleagues still pretending to be responsible journalists, Donahue can at least say…’I tried.’