The recent Supreme Court decision overturning DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) grants legal same sex marriages in 13 states and District of Columbia the same rights under federal law as opposite sex marriages. Married same sex couples and their children will no longer suffer discrimination and second class citizenship at a federal level that was codified in the mis-named 1997 law more appropriately titled: Defense of Homophobia Act.
Hopefully, the 37 states that still bar marriage equality will realize that the homophobic dinosaurs preventing it are either dying out or incurring an epiphany, leading them to shed their homophobia. It's nearly impossible for them to recruit new homophobes in our modern era. Alas, Illinois has a way to go as homophobic dinosaurs still dominate in the HOP (Homophobe Only Party, a.k.a. GOP) preventing Illinois from joining the ranks of the enlightened. Having dialogued with these folks for years, I almost, but not quite, feel sorry for the disordered state of mind that would possess someone to discriminate against and hurt loving folks who cause them no harm other than to challenge their lifelong prejudices and hatreds. Do they lie awake at night or have nightmares about the fact that the world has passed them by and their beliefs are utterly irrelevant and out of step with humanity and the march of human progress.
Every day Illinois HOP leaders like Senator Kirk Dillard, Treasurer Dan Rutherford and financier Bruce Rauner grovel before the homophobic cult controlling their destiny in the HOP gubernatorial Primary, the HOP takes another step backward to oblivion.
Not only is DOMA, DUMMA, the Illinois HOP is DUMMA.
Hopefully, the 37 states that still bar marriage equality will realize that the homophobic dinosaurs preventing it are either dying out or incurring an epiphany, leading them to shed their homophobia. It's nearly impossible for them to recruit new homophobes in our modern era. Alas, Illinois has a way to go as homophobic dinosaurs still dominate in the HOP (Homophobe Only Party, a.k.a. GOP) preventing Illinois from joining the ranks of the enlightened. Having dialogued with these folks for years, I almost, but not quite, feel sorry for the disordered state of mind that would possess someone to discriminate against and hurt loving folks who cause them no harm other than to challenge their lifelong prejudices and hatreds. Do they lie awake at night or have nightmares about the fact that the world has passed them by and their beliefs are utterly irrelevant and out of step with humanity and the march of human progress.
Every day Illinois HOP leaders like Senator Kirk Dillard, Treasurer Dan Rutherford and financier Bruce Rauner grovel before the homophobic cult controlling their destiny in the HOP gubernatorial Primary, the HOP takes another step backward to oblivion.
Not only is DOMA, DUMMA, the Illinois HOP is DUMMA.