Real 'Little Rocket Man' in North Korea dustup sits in US Senate
North Korea tests a missile and Sen. Lindsay Graham says this:
"The US will go to war with North Korea if things don't change. A lot of people would get hurt and killed. If we have to go to war to stop this, we will. If there's a war with North Korea, it will be because North Korea brought it on itself, and we're headed to a war if things don't change."
Sen. Graham should look in the mirror to find someone bringing on war. He's supported every criminal US war of regime change, all against non-nuclear states, that have got hundreds of thousands killed for nothing. He threatens North Korea with regime change; then threatens war when they do the sensible thing to thwart US led regime change...obtain a nuclear arsenal. Graham is always first in the well of the Senate threatening war, whether it's Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran or now North Korea. It does no good for North Korea to seek peace with the US by abandoning nukes. Iraq tried that and got their regime changed. Libya tried that and got their regime changed.
Sen. Graham can't wait for the 'rocket's red glare' over Pyongyang. He, not Kim Jung Un, is the original 'Little Rocket Man'.