Thursday, March 06, 2025

Trump promotes Israeli genocide of Gaza in word and deed

 Trump promotes Israeli genocide of Gaza in word and deed

Trump’s predecessor Biden kept mum while he funneled tens of billions of dollars in genocide weapons to Israel to utterly destroy Gaza.
But not Trump. He sounded positively ghoulish Wednesday promising death to the people of Gaza if all hostages aren’t released. “To the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW, OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER! I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job. This is your last warning”
Trump’s self incriminating genocide words followed his expediting billions in additional genocide weapons for Israel to “finish the job.”
Israel responded to Trump’s words of genocidal encouragement by cutting off entry of critically needed aid in violation of the ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Trump backs Israel trying to get remaining hostages released without Israel withdrawing from Gaza and agreeing to a permanent truce.
Trump also backs Israel’s “Hell plan” that would cut off water and electricity into Gaza prior to a full scale resumption of the genocide.
Trump’s Gaza genocide policy reminds me of Michael Corleone in the Godfather’: ‘It’s not personal…It’s business.’

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Chicago Tribune again lets its readership down with one sided opinions on Russo Ukraine war

 Chicago Tribune again lets its readership down with one sided opinions on Russo Ukraine war

 Several weeks ago I took issue with the Trib’s letters policy for publishing 3 letters about this war, all of which opposed negotiating an end to the war which is a lost cause.
Today’s Wednesday, March 5 letters section continued this shameful approach to journalistic fairness, publishing 7 letters all of which opposed Trump’s peace initiative to end this 3 year long war. 
‘President Donald Trump is letting us down in his approach to Ukraine’ claims Trump is not using diplomacy when the opposite is true. Trump ended 3 years of Biden refusing to meet, even talk with Putin, which is the essence of diplomacy. Trump immediately reached out to Putin beginning diplomatic negotiations which have a decent chance of ending this catastrophic war destroying Ukraine. We should be supporting this astonishing resumption of diplomacy which could end the dying.
Still time to act’ takes a shotgun approach to criticizing Trump’s character, including mischaracterizing his Ukraine war peace initiative, 3 years overdue, as “abandoning our Western allies and siding with Vladimir Putin” The reality is Trump recognizes the war is lost and must be ended on terms establishing peace in Europe. That includes recognizing Russia’s security concerns as well as Ukraine’s, including its Russian leaning citizens in the Donbas Kyiv warred against for 8 years prior to the Russian invasion.  
‘Abandoning its role’ castigates Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for supporting the Trump peace initiative, not because his desire for peace is sensible, but because he dared say that “strong men make peace, weak men make war”, implying Orban is channeling tyrants like Hitler and Stalin. It then spreads the preposterous pro war meme Putin seeks to reestablish the Soviet Union
‘Editorial board mum’ criticizes the Trib for not editorializing against the Trump/Zelensky dustup last Friday. No issue there but alas, the Trib allowed the writer to falsely claim Trump “spouted Kremlin talking points and stabbed Ukraine in the back.” What Trump wisely did was publically break with the failed Biden proxy war policy that has largely destroyed Ukraine as a viable state. His peace initiative, if followed thru, will bring long overdue peace to the region while providing mutual security for Russia, Western Ukraine and the formerly beleaguered Donbas Ukrainians seeking protection from their former government.  
‘We are a disgrace’ totally ignores the critical need to negotiate an end to the Russo Ukraine war, focusing instead on optics. What Trump did was publically inform Zelensky before the world that the war is lost (“you have no cards to play”) and must be ended forthwith. That was not “disgraceful, appalling, mortifying, dangerous”. It just may prevent the next hundred thousand Ukrainian deaths; even nuclear war.
‘Weakening our power’ mischaracterizes Trump’s Ukraine peace initiative as “weakening our power”. That ship sailed long ago when America began weakening its power by invading Iraq and Afghanistan, destabilizing Libya, weaponizing jihadists to overthrow Syria’s leader, enabling Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and yes, provoking the Russian invasion of Ukraine. By all means “Lets’ have long term influence and prosperity.” We can begin that by sensibly and quickly ending the Russo Ukraine war.
 ‘I don’t support this’ was hyperbolic in its bizarre characterization of the public Trump/Zelensky dustup” as “from a gangster movie, leaving me with an overwhelming shock, embarrassment, sadness, alarm, anger and frustration, a disgraceful display of disrespect, arrogance and bullying”.
Whew. What transpired was the end to 3 years of Zelensky asking, begging, demanding endless billions in US weapons so he can continue his lost war to regain the Donbas and Crimea. More importantly, it signaled the US will no longer put the world at risk of nuclear war from a senseless proxy war to weaken Russia that should never have been undertaken.
Seven is considered a lucky number. But 7 letters in today’s Chicago Tribune, all bashing Trump for seeking peace in Ukraine was not lucky for Trib readers seeking both sides of this critical issue.
Walt Zlotow, West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

International Criminal Court should add Trump officials to Biden officials being referred for possible war crime prosecution

 International Criminal Court should add Trump officials to Biden officials being referred for possible war crime prosecution

US-based human rights NGO Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) has formally requested that the International Criminal Court (ICC) launch a probe into former US president Joe Biben, his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for enabling Israel’s war crimes in the Gaza.
DAWN board member and prosecutor Reed Brody announced “By continuously and unconditionally providing Political support and military support to Israel while being fully aware of the specific crimes committed by Netanyahu, Gallant, and their subordinates, president Biden, secretary Blinken, and secretary Austin contributed intentionally to the commission of those crimes while at least knowing the intention of the group to commit the Israeli Crimes, if not aiming of furthering such criminal activity,”
DAWN’s filing highlights that US support includes at least $17.9 billion in military, intelligence, and targeting assistance.
DAWN should amend their referral to include President Trump and his Secretaries of State and Defense Marco Rubio and Pete Hegseth.
Unlike his more reticent predecessor, Trump is almost gleeful in his support of Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleaning of Palestinians from Gaza. He brazenly touts removal of every Palestinian from Gaza so he can rebuild it as a Trumpian showplace…and not for a Palestinian state, but for a Greater Israel.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio can’t get US genocide weapons to Israel fast enough. He expedited a $4 billion shipment of them for use when Israel likely resumes the genocide there. He condemned the Biden administration for its holding up a single weapons shipment, claiming his reversal demonstrates Israel will never incur a weapons delay from the Trump administration.
New Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth boasted he’s a Christian Zionist at his confirmation hearings and fully supported the Israeli destruction of Gaza. He wants Israel to kill every member of Hamas, ignoring that for extremist Israeli leaders, every Palestinian in Gaza is Hamas.
Republicans and Democrats agree on only one horrifying issue. Regardless of who resides in the White House, enabling Israeli genocide in Gaza gets their complete, undivided support.
The International Criminal Court should combine both parties in their war crimes inquiry.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Trump Zelensky dust up was policy, not theater

 Much of what President Trump told Ukraine President Zelensky in their contentious public meeting Friday was valid...and needed to be said to achieve peace. A sampling of the truths Trump told Zelensky:

1. Ukraine must seek immediate ceasefire not more war
2. Why? The war is lost with Zelensky having “no more cards to play” to achieve his unrealistic, indeed delusional war objectives.
3. Only the US can achieve war's end thru a negotiated peace with Russia. What Trump omitted is that this has always been America’s war simply using Ukraine proxies to fight it.
4. Ukraine is running out of soldiers, relying on old men and conscripts snatched off the street to fight a lost cause.
5. Zelensky could start WWIII with his efforts to keep war going by attacking deep into Russia.
Trump’s comments signaled a near complete break with predecessor Biden’s embrace of the weak, compliant Zelensky to fight the war to weaken Russia and keep it out of the European political economy.
Trump knows the war has nothing to do with Europe or America’s national security interests and must be ended.
If the Oval Office dustup offends people who want this war to continue indefinitely, possibly going nuclear, then by all means be outraged. But if you want to end this lost war utterly destroying Ukraine so US can weaken Russia, then join the peace community in supporting Trump's peace initiative.
This war has put peoplekind at risk of nuclear annihilation for all 1,100 days since it began. That must end.
Walt Zlotow, West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Zelensky needs to go …been risking nuclear war far too long

 Zelensky needs to go …been risking nuclear war far too long

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is a spectacularly failed leader. He’s failed on every indicator of good governance.
He failed the largely Russian cultured Ukrainians in the Donbas who overwhelmingly voted him for president in 2019. He promised he’d end the war on them by their own government after the 2014 coup toppled elected pro Russian President Victor Yanukovych. Once in office Zelensky caved to the ultra-nationalists who wielded the real power in Kyiv. The war on the Donbas separatist movement escalated under Zelensky. He massed 60,000 elite troops on the Donbas border to complete destruction of the separatist movement. Guess what that provoked February 24, 2022?
He failed by continuing his predecessors’ desire to join NATO, knowing full well Ukraine in NATO crossed a red line Russia viewed as an existential security threat. That made the February 22, 2022 Russian invasion even more inevitable.
Two months into the war he failed to conclude a peace treaty with Russia in April, 2022 that was about to be signed. He allowed US and UK war hawks bully him into rejecting the settlement which would have cost Ukraine nary a square mile of territory. He swallowed whole their delusion he could win the war with US weapons but not US cannon fodder Now he’s lost about 45,000 square miles for caving to his US/UK masters of war..
Worst of all, Zelensky failed the most important responsibility of any leader: do nothing that could risk nuclear annihilation. He’s spent the entire 3 years of war asking, begging, demanding the US give him the weaponry to attack deep inside Russia. He appears oblivious how easily such attacks could trigger nuclear war between the US and Russia.
Astoundingly, when an errant Ukrainian missile killed a couple of Poles in Poland, Zelensky claimed that represented a Russian attack on NATO requiring an immediate NATO military response. Hello WWIII. That alone made Zelensky unfit to serve another day as Ukraine leader.
With the US proxy war on Russia lost and Ukraine in ruins, Zelensky’s failed days in power are dwindling. His exit cannot come soon enough.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Once again Sanders lone congressional voice against US enabled genocide in Gaza

One might surmise that out of 535 congresspersons, more than one would call for ending America’s grotesque enabling of Israeli genocide in Gaza.
But, no, that critical element of decent, moral governance falls solely on the shoulders of Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders.
For the second time since his overwhelmingly ignored resolutions last November to end the flow of US weapons to Israel that have pulverized Gaza’s 139 square miles into rubble, Sanders stepped up to the plate for a second swing at ending it.
He’s introduced 4 Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) that would block the next tranche of $8.6 billion in weapons to further ethnically cleanse Gaza of those pesky Palestinians blocking Israel from developing Gaza’s valuable oceanfront property. If passed they would block 2,166 Small Diameter Bombs, 2,800 500-pound bombs, tens of thousands of fuzzes, thousands of Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance kits for use on bombs, 3,000 Hellfire Missiles, and 10,000 155mm High Explosive artillery shells.
Israel can sure eliminate more thousands of innocent Palestinian moms and kiddies with Uncle Sam’s finest genocide weapons. Bernie didn’t pull his punches: “Netanyahu’s extremist government has instead waged an all-out war against the entire Palestinian people, killing more than 48,000 and injuring more than 111,000 – the vast majority of whom are women and children. Tragically, much of this carnage has been carried out with American bombs and weapons. Netanyahu has used our bombs to damage or destroy almost 70 percent of the structures in Gaza, including hundreds of schools. All of this has been done in clear violation of U.S. and international law. With Trump and Netanyahu openly talking about forcibly displacing millions of Palestinians from Gaza – in other words, ethnic cleansing – it would be unconscionable to provide more of the bombs and weapons Israel has used to kill so many civilians and make life unlivable in Gaza.”
Sanders noted the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) require such sales to be consistent with internationally-recognized human rights. Sending weapons to complete the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Gaza sure seems to be a tad inconsistent with ‘internationally recognized human rights.’
Why are Bernie’s 534 other colleagues ignoring him like the plague on the most important moral issue of their lifetime? Inquiring opponents of US enabled genocide in Gaza would like to know.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

US correct to vote against UN resolution solely condemning Russia for Ukraine war

 US correct to vote against UN resolution solely condemning Russia for Ukraine war

Less than half of the UN’s 193 member states voted for the Ukrainian resolution in the General Assembly solely condemning Russia for invading Ukraine on the third anniversary of the war.
The vote on the non-binding resolution was 93 to 18 with 65 members abstaining.
In an astonishing reversal of previous US policy at the UN on Ukraine, the US joined Russia and 16 other states in opposing the resolution.
US Ambassador to the UN Dorothy Shea argued that the Ukrainian resolution ignored that the war actually started 11 years earlier with the Russian Ukraine war that ignited after the 2014 coup that toppled democratically elected Ukraine president Victor Yanukovych.
Shea didn’t mention that the US was heavily involved in supporting the coup in order to prevent Ukraine from partnering economically with Russia. Nor did she mention that after the coup the US heavily armed Ukraine to complete the destruction of the Ukrainian separatist movement seeking freedom from Kyiv’s policy of destroying Ukrainian Russian culture in the Donbas. Shea also omitted that 14 years of US efforts to bring Ukraine into NATO crossed a red line for Russia that would inevitably provoke a Russian invasion.
But all of these critical omissions were implicit in the Trump administration's refusal to continue the Biden administration’s fantasy that President Putin woke up one day in February, 2022 and decided to attack Ukraine unproved.
This was a welcome dose of reality sorely missing from the Biden administration for all two years, eleven months of their proxy war to weaken Russia using Ukrainian proxies to do all the dying.
President Trump is telling the world that this war must end with a settlement based on reality. Ukraine will not join NATO. Ukraine will not get back the oblasts containing Russian cultured Ukrainians seeking relief from endless destruction by their own government. Ukraine will refrain from being a US/NATO Trojan Horse to keep Russia out of the Western Europe political economy. Most importantly, the US and Russia can normalize diplomatic relations and end three years of risking nuclear annihilation from America’s zero sum game approach to the war.
Based on the vote of Ukraine’s one sided resolution putting all the blame on Russia, a majority of UN members agree with the Trump path to peace.

Walt Zlotow, West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Hating Trump no reason to oppose Trump Ukraine peace initiative


Hating Trump no reason to oppose Trump Ukraine peace initiative 

Some of my progressive comrades are bombarding social media in opposition to Trump’s peace plan to end the Ukraine war with Russia. For the first 2 years and 11 months of America’s proxy war against Russia using Ukrainian cannon fodder, they were largely silent. They were loath to criticize President Biden and Vice President Harris, particularly during a presidential campaign. Their focus was laser like on domestic issues to prevent a return of the despised Trump to the presidency.

Trump not only won, he immediately pivoted to peace in Ukraine. He totally overturned the Biden war playbook. He announced Ukraine (really the US) had lost, must never join NATO, and not get back the Russian leaning Eastern Ukraine Russia annexed.

More. Trump announced a complete reset of the US Russia relationship to include diplomatic engagement and friendly relations with Russia that Biden had jettisoned during his entire term.

More again. Ending the war and reestablishing diplomatic relations will reduce the risk of nuclear war present for every one of the 1,095 days of this senseless war. It makes possible renewing the three nuclear treaties the US abandoned this century, two of them by Trump.

But instead of supporting this astonishing breakthrough, progressives have gone ballistic. They charge dictator wannabe Trump is selling out Ukrainian sovereignty, like Chamberlain did to Czechoslovakia at Munich in 1938. They claim this will allow Russia to recreate the Soviet Union, then march into Western Europe.

In doing so they ignore this war was provoked by Biden to weaken Russia. It would never have resulted in war had Biden honored Russia’s security concerns regarding no Ukraine NATO on Russia’s border.

Worse yet, progressives are blind to the fact that the war was lost on Day One when Biden announced the US would not participate with US military. Why? He wisely advised that would result in WWIII.

The result? Ukraine is on the brink of defeat, having upwards of a million dead or wounded. Over ten million have fled Ukraine for safer climes. Potential draftees are deserting en mass. The economy is on life support. President Zelensky cancelled elections banned free press, outlawed the Russian Orthodox Church on his march to becoming dictator for the war’s duration. Once it’s over…so is Zelensky.

None of this made a dent in progressives till Trump demanded this madness end and followed thru arranging lightning fast negotiations with Russian leaders to end it. Then progressives surfaced to demonize Trump and his peace initiative. They have joined the most virulent pro war advocates in the Republican Party, the military, the media determined to sabotage the most hopeful development to end further destruction of Ukraine and depletion of US treasure.

Every progressive opposing Trump’s peace initiative enables another 500,000 dead Ukrainians, another $175 billion in squandered US treasure, and no end to Biden’s catastrophic and failed proxy war to weaken Russia.

Ponder that progressives.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Shackelford forgets US won the Cold War 34 years ago

 Shackelford forgets US won the Cold War 34 years ago 

Esteemed foreign affairs academic and Chicago Tribune columnist Elizabeth Shackelford omits 34 years of US Russia relations in her bizarrely titled op-ed ‘In a stunning comeback, Russia wins the Cold War’ 
Shackelford knows full well the Cold War ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved. But in her effort to denigrate the Trump administration peace initiative to end the 3 year old Russo Ukraine war, she not only pretends it still exists, but that Trump is helping Russia win it. 
Both propositions are ludicrous. 
The reality is America and Russia are engaged in a hot war in which our Ukraine proxies are firing US weapons into Russia at the direction and encouragement of their American military handlers.  Russia has sensibly warned that such conduct risks nuclear war, something that has been possible every one of the 1,095 days of this 3 yearlong failed US military adventure. 
Trump is not helping Russia win this imaginary Cold War. He’s simply acknowledging reality. Unlike predecessor Biden, Trump realizes the US and its Ukraine proxies have lost the war to bring Ukraine into NATO to isolate Russia from the European political economy. He’s unwilling to spend another $175 billion in US treasure to incur another 500,000 dead Ukrainians. Most importantly, the impending peace will end the specter of nuclear war. 
Yet, Shackelford decries Trump’s pledge to “return to normal diplomatic relations.”, charging that such a sensible move should not be “given for free." Not having any diplomatic contact with a nuclear nation we’re at war with, albeit using only Ukraine proxies, is the most reckless foreign policy imaginable. 
Elizabeth Shackelford should be thankful Trump seeks to end this madness both provoked and prolonged by the Biden administration. When that happens, she should repeat her last line “Congratulations, Mr. Putin. We even helped you do it” with sincerity, not with sarcasm.
Walt Zlotow, West Suburban Peace Coalition, Glen Ellyn IL
Elizabeth Shackelford: In a stunning comeback, Russia wins the Cold War 
Vladimir Putin, Russia’s long-standing dictator, never got over the  Union’s collapse at the end of the Cold War. He has called it the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century and said he’d reverse it if he could. It’s starting to look as though Putin’s decades-old grudge might just pay off, as he sits on the sidelines and watches the United States do the work for him. 
The most powerful country in the world, which was — for good reason — Putin’s biggest nemesis until only two months ago, is now rolling out the  red carpet for him, parroting his talking points, chastising and weakening his adversaries, and blaming his victims for his offenses. The United States has brushed Russia’s war against the West under the rug and switched teams. What is even more worrying is that President Donald Trump seems either unaware or unconcerned that Putin’s plan is to weaken the United States too. After all, damaging our closest allies and doing our enemy’s bidding don’t make us stronger. 
Take the so-called peace negotiations to end Russia’s war in Ukraine. Even before they began, Trump and his team handed Putin concession after concession for nothing in return. First, they single-handedly ended Putin’s international isolation. Russian state television was giddy watching Trump’s team undo years of the American-led effort to make Putin a pariah for invading Ukraine and other efforts to undermine democracy and state sovereignty in Europe and beyond. Trump agreed that he and Putin would visit each other’s countries, return to normal diplomatic relations and even pursue joint economic ventures. These are valuable diplomatic offers given for free. 
Then Trump and his team gave away the two vital bargaining chips of Ukraine’s possible NATO membership and recovering stolen territory. Trump even suggested Putin had a rightful claim to it, saying that Russia “fought for that land” and “lost a lot of soldiers,” and that it was unlikely Ukraine would get any of it back. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth reiterated these points just ahead of a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting, saying both NATO membership and returning to prewar borders were unrealistic goals. 
Speaking to reporters later, Trump had the gall to blame the victim, saying Ukraine “should have never started it.” Russian politicians and state media were thrilled to hear the U.S. president backing their insulting and obvious lies. Treating Ukraine like some vanquished aggressor, Trump demanded half of its natural resources revenue as “payback” (not in return for future guarantees). That would be a higher gross domestic product share than Germany’s reparations after World War I and leave Ukraine a vassal state. 
Trump called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a dictator and repeated Moscow’s demands that Ukraine hold elections before any peace is finalized — an absurd idea in an active war zone, but one that plays directly into Putin’s hands for the opportunity to sow chaos and division in the country he hopes to consume. 
The Trump team hasn’t limited its animosity to Ukraine, though. It has adopted Putin’s talking points on all of Europe. At the Munich Security Conference, an annual convening on international security, U.S. Vice President JD Vance told our European allies that they — not Russia or China — were their own biggest enemy. 
Calling it the threat “from within,” Vance lectured European leaders about suppressing free speech and regulating social media. Coming from an administration banning words such as “gender” and “oppression” from all government publications and punishing a news outlet for using the internationally recognized name of the Gulf of Mexico, the accusation is rich indeed. 
But the examples he touted made clear that he sought maximum freedom for only the least democratic actors. Vance criticized Germany for ostracizing the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which has used Nazi slogans and been designated an extremist group. He also scolded Romania for annulling elections that were targeted by “aggressive hybrid Russian attacks.” After all, unregulated social media are the premier tool of Russia’s propaganda machine. 
Russia has scored some major wins in the U.S. homeland too, lest you think Putin is only using America to weaken others. Russia has long stoked the anti-vaccination movement in America to undermine our public health, so having leading vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the helm of America’s Health and Human Services Department is a huge Kremlin win. But Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence is an even bigger one, for now the chief spy in America is a Moscow darling who has blamed NATO for Russia’s aggression and frequently shared bizarre Russian conspiracies and anti-American propaganda. Whether witting or unwitting, her worldview has been shaped by Russian disinformation for years. In normal times, she wouldn’t even qualify for a basic security clearance. 
It isn’t hard to see what’s happening, but it is hard to comprehend why so many American political leaders are perfectly OK with it. In a world where the United States is aligned with Russia and against Europe, Russia wins, and we lose. Autocracy wins, and democracy loses.
Congratulations, Mr. Putin. We even helped you do it.